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India Business Council (USIBC) said that storing the data only in India would be a security risk, as in the event of a natural disaster no-one would have access to it if it was all stored in one place.

MasterCard and American Express declined to comment.In March, Indians clocked transactions worth 52 billion using their 900 million credit and debit cards, nearly double the amount recorded in November 2016, data from the RBI showed.The industry’s main concerns have been over restricting data storage to India, a lack of clarity on the type of data that needed to be stored and the timeline to implement the rules.Easing the proposal would be a relief for firms including MasterCard, Visa and American Express, which fear India’s data on shoring move could cost them millions of dollars and set a precedent for other major governments to implement similar rules at a time when there is heightened scrutiny of how companies globally handle their customers’ data.

India’s finance ministry, in a meeting held in June with RBI officials and executives from payment firms, said that a possible solution could be that companies would be allowed to store data offshore, as long as a copy was kept in India. The RBI’s directive comes as more people in India are Barrel injection mold Manufacturers switching to plastic, partly driven by the Modi government’s decision to replace high-value currency notes in November 2016, since when the government has aggressively discouraged cash transactions.S.India’s finance ministry has proposed relaxing a directive from the country’s central bank that would compel global payment firms to store customer data only locally, following weeks of intense lobbying by U.The RBI had initially resisted a joint lobbying effort by the foreign payment companies, with sources with direct knowledge of the matter telling Reuters in May that the central bank was telling the firms to comply, not complain.S.The meeting was chaired by the government’s Economic Affairs Secretary Subhash Chandra Garg and attended by other ministry and RBI officials, as well as executives from companies including MasterCard, Visa and American Express.Global payment firms currently store and process Indian transactions outside the country. companies and trade bodies.During the June meeting, representatives from U.

The representatives also said that only after understanding the kind of data that needed to be stored would they be able to estimate the time needed to set up the necessary infrastructure.Foreign payment companies were caught off guard in April by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) one-page directive that said all payments data should, within six months, be stored only in the country for “unfettered supervisory access”.But rising fraud is a concern too. lobby group U.The ministry has also proposed clarifying the kind of data that needed to be stored and the time given to implement the directive, according to a copy of the minutes of the meeting reviewed by Reuters. Suggestions made at the meeting would be helpful in deciding the matter, Kumar said.The companies had opposed the restriction on storing data overseas and had lobbied for its removal.S. Visa and RBI did not respond to an email seeking comment.“This will hopefully serve as a precedent for other regulators who might be thinking of data localisation,” said a lawyer familiar with the matter, adding that this would also allow for data processing and analytics - which is currently done offshore - to continue.  

The RBI in April said the payment ecosystem in India had “expanded considerably”, making it necessary to ensure “the safety and security” of data.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been aggressively pushing digital and cashless modes of payment that leave an electronic trail as part of a campaign to crack down on the black economy.“This is a big step and shows India has a progressive outlook towards businesses,” said an executive with one of the payment companies, adding that the ministry had tried to address some of the industry’s biggest grouses.At the June meeting, RBI executive director S Ganesh Kumar said the central bank had been approached about the companies’ concerns and was in the process of issuing a circular to clarify the rules, according to the minutes.

Posté le 19/11/2020 à 03:51 par autoprocesmo
Catégorie pallet mold

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The research done in Beijing -- another capital that has for years battled filthy air -- linked high levels of pollution and an increased risk of "silent miscarriage" in the first trimester. I fear there could be breathing issues when the baby is born," Gokavi, 26, told AFP."Arti Bhatia, 35, is now the proud mother of a lively six-month-old daughter, Ayesha."Don crate mold go out for morning walks.The same report blamed air pollution for killing more than 100,000 under-fives every year.Like Gokavi, other anxious mothers-to-be listened to tips and tricks on coping with the smog that is so bad that Delhi's chief minister recently likened the city to a "gas chamber". "It is difficult to prove a direct cause-effect relationship.  

"It is an emergency situation. This toxic cocktail cuts short the lives of one million people in India every year, according to government research published in June.As bad as smokingBut even before they are born, smog is as bad as smoking when it comes to miscarriages, another study released in the journal Nature Sustainability last month indicated. India is home to 14 of the world's 15 most polluted cities, according to the World Health Organization. Another study, in 2017, suggested that tiny particles can enter the foetal side of the placenta and disrupt the development of the unborn baby."We are very worried because we know that the pollutants cannot only affect the lungs of mothers but these can even reach the placenta and affect the placental function," she told AFP.With no respite from the pollution in sight, doctors too have little choice but just to recommend face masks and expensive air purifiers at home -- if they can afford them, which many cannot.There is evidence to suggest that adolescents exposed to higher levels of air pollution are more likely to experience mental health problems, UNICEF said this week.

At a recent pre-natal class in the Indian capital, Gokavi and other expectant mothers shared their feelings of helplessness and anger at having to breathe poisonous # air day in and out. But subsequently it was like 'is it because of the air we breathe'?".This happens when a foetus hasn't formed or has died but the placenta and embryonic tissue remain.Every winter smoke from farmers' fires combine with industrial and vehicle emissions to turn towns and cities across northern India into smog-blanketed hellholes. Try and go in the afternoon when the sun is out," was all the instructor could advise the women, who listened intently with furrowed brows."I had my baby after three years of trying and in those three years I lost a few pregnancies," Bhatia told AFP.Heavily pregnant Rachel Gokavi spends most days shut away in her New Delhi home, desperate to shield her unborn child from the toxic air blamed for soaring miscarriage rates and infant deaths.Miscarriages, premature babiesAt Delhi's Sitaram Bhartia hospital, excruciatingly tiny babies weighing as little as a kilogramme.

"The first time I lost (a pregnancy) I thought maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was not meant to be or something. Doctors say kids breathe the noxious air twice as fast as adults because of their smaller lungs, causing respiratory problems and even impairing brain development.2 pounds) breathe oxygen through plastic tubes as machines monitor their vital signs. But her journey to motherhood was filled with the pain of miscarriages, and she wonders whether pollution was to blame."I always keep the balcony door closed and don't go out as much.Rinku Sengupta, an obstetrician at the busy neonatal unit, says that rates of such underweight babies as well as premature births are rising in cities with high levels of pollution. But there is enough evidence now to say that there is a direct link and we need to sit up and think what we can do about it," she said.

Posté le 13/11/2020 à 03:26 par autoprocesmo
Catégorie pallet mold

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Gears in the box then lock the chain units together and feed the chain out, unit by unit, as a rigid appendage.Researchers presented the plant-inspired "growing robot" at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Macau.Researchers can program robot to lock certain units together while leaving others unlocked, to form specific shapes, or to "grow" in certain directions."Now we have a robot that can potentially accomplish such tasks. While they navigate pretty easily across open layouts, robots experience a bit of difficulty winding through narrow spaces to carry out tasks such as reaching for a product at the back of a cluttered shelf.  

It can grow, retract, and grow again to a different shape, to adapt to its environment," said lead researcher Tongxi Yan, a former graduate student in Asada China process of molding lab.Researchers designed a gearbox to represent the robot's "growing tip," akin to the bud of a plant, where, as more nutrients flow up to the site, the tip feeds out more rigid stem.To solve this technologic complication, MIT engineers have developed a robot designed to extend a chain-like appendage flexible enough to twist and turn in any necessary configuration, yet rigid enough to support heavy loads or apply torque to assemble parts in tight spaces.

They envision that grippers, cameras, and other sensors could be mounted onto the robot's gearbox, enabling it to meander through an aircraft's propulsion system and tighten a loose screw, or to reach into a shelf and grab a product without disturbing the organization of surrounding inventory, among other tasks."The realization of the robot is totally different from a real plant, but it exhibits the same kind of functionality, at a certain abstract level," Asada explained.Within the box, they fit a system of gears and motors, which works to pull up a fluidized material -- in this case, a bendy sequence of 3-D-printed plastic units interlocked with each other, similar to a bicycle chain.Robots are a common view these days in factories and other places."Think about changing the oil in your car.As the chain is fed into the box, it turns around a winch, which feeds it through a second set of motors programmed to lock certain units in the chain to # their neighbouring units, creating a rigid appendage as it is fed out of the box.. After you open the engine roof, you have to be flexible enough to make sharp turns, left and right, to get to the oil filter, and then you have to be strong enough to twist the oil filter cap to remove it," said Harry Asada, professor of mechanical engineering at MIT.Likewise, the robot consists of a "growing point," or gearbox, that pulls a loose chain of interlocking blocks into the box.The design of the new robot is an offshoot of Asada's work in addressing the "last one-foot problem" -- an engineering term referring to the last step, or foot, of a robot's task or exploratory mission.When the chain is locked and rigid, it is strong enough to support a heavy, one-pound weight.

The appendage design took inspiration from nature -- by the way plants grow, which involves the transport of nutrients, in a fluidized form, up to the plant's tip.When the task is complete, the robot can retract the appendage and extend it again, at a different length and shape, to suit the next task.

Posté le 20/10/2020 à 04:46 par autoprocesmo
Catégorie pallet mold

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Trinamul Congress secretary general Par-tha Chatterjee alleged, “When I went to the airport to see off the chief minister, she looked very worried about the incident.”The education minister added, “She asked us to take care of everything.”

She added, “I have received the report of the Kolkata Police Commissioner. Such a fire would not have taken place if the people had taken adequate precautions. No one has been tra-pped there. We will look into it. Fire often breaks out in Burrabazar area.What has posed a major concern is the cracks whi-ch have surfaced in some parts of the building, whi-ch is located close to the Writers’ Building and Re-serve Bank of India office in Dalhousie area, due to tremendous heat.”He added, “It is a big fire.The six injured were Abdullah Saib (30) of Canning Street, Rezwan Elahi (42) and his brother Resbon Elahi (42) of Mcl-eod Street, Sudip Kumar Mahato (21), Souvick Gho-sh (38) of Manicktala Fire Station and Pravash Malli-ck (32) of Lalbazar Fire Station. The government is sympathetic.In the afternoon defeaning sounds of some explosions, suspected to be of LPG cylinder burst, at the market building shook the area.Although 18 hours have passed, the blaze, which broke out at around 2.”Ms Banerjee informed that two committees, comprising a group of ministers and senior administrative officials, have been set up to deal with any emergency and natural calamity during her overseas tour.  

An accident took place.Storage of highly combustible items have aggravated the situation only, according to the fire briga-de officials much contrary to a section of traders’ allegation of subotage.30 am at the six-storeyed market building housing nearly 1000 business establishments of various sizes on Canning Street, is still out of control despite the deployment of 30 fire engines.Kolkata: Close on the heels of the collapse of Majherhat Bridge in Taratola another disaster struck the city early on Sunday when a devastating fire destroyed multi-storeyed Bagree Market in Burrabazar of central Kolkata leaving six persons injured including two fire brigade personnel. She elaborated that she and chief secretary Malay De would be available on the phone anytime.” The blaze has revi-ved the horror of the four-day long inferno at Nanda-ram Market in the same commercial zone in Janu-ary of 2008. So the fire will be doused shortly. So it will take at least 24-48 hours to control the situation. The am-ount of loss of goods is estimated to have been in crores. It was a huge loss ahead of the Puja season.Before leaving for Germany and Italy to attract investments chief minister Mamata Banerjee said at the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, “There was no casualty.  

Director General (fire and emergency services) Jag Mohan said, “Chemicals and plastic materials have been stocked at the building making it tough to control the fire. Enough cautions are given by the government. But the dingy lanes and China wholesale Barrel injection mold bylanes has posed a challenge to the fire brigade personnel to use the ladder in tackling the flames.”.The Kolkata Police said that the six persons fell sick due to smoke before bei-ng treated and discharged from Calcutta Medical College and Hospital. In the evening a hyd-raulic ladder was pressed into service. Fire can break out.

Posté le 14/10/2020 à 03:59 par autoprocesmo
Catégorie pallet mold

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The primary deciding factor is how much fat you have to work with. Most surgeons prefer BBLs over implants because fat can be shaped more precisely and placed in the areas that need it.  

After that, you may want to sit on a soft pillow which allows you put pressure on the thighs instead of the butt. For a BBL, the most important factor is your overall health..The great thing about the Brazilian butt lift surgery is that the fat cells that survive the transfer will live in their new location. In order to get enough qualified fat, at least two areas of the body are sucked out.A Brazilian butt lift is a butt augmentation procedure that uses liposuction to harvest fat from one or more areas of the body, and inject it into the buttocks and the outer hips. Small amounts of purified fat are injected into different areas of the buttocks and at various depths so that the patient will get the highest permanent absorption rate.  

It can address a range of concerns, including flat or sagging buttocks, asymmetry, or other disproportions sometimes due to massive weight loss. After liposuction, the fat is carefully purified so China daily necessities injection mold that only the best donor fat cells are re injected back into the buttocks for augmentation.The fat suctioned from these areas is carefully processed and purified such that only a fraction of the donor fat removed qualifies for re-injection into the buttocks. Liposuction alone gives the lower body a more attractive look.You will also be asked to wear a compression garment for up to six weeks to decrease bruising and swelling while helping loose skin retract. It's important to follow your doctor's specific instructions to achieve the best results. More than the price, it's imperative to look for a board certified plastic surgeon who has done these procedures with good results. Common areas liposuctioned include the back- directly above the butt, stomach, and the thighs. Good candidates are close to their ideal weight with enough fat for liposuction, such as the abdomen, love handles, back and thighsThe buttock is first contoured by performing liposuction in the areas around the buttocks to make them stand out more.

Do’s and Don’ts after and before treatmentIt is recommended that one avoids sitting directly on your butt for at least two weeks.Many famous celebs like Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Amber Rose and Iggy Azalea have had done this treatment.It's generally recommended that rigorous exercise be avoided for a month.— The writer is a dematologistDisclaimer: Always check with a cosmetic surgeon before going ahead with this procedure. You have to be in good medical condition to be considered for any cosmetic surgery.The price of the treatment in India would vary from approx.The fat is placed or transferred to the buttocks with special cannulas. Liposuction is carried out using special vanillas at low pressure to maintain the integrity of the fragile fat cells.You should always consult a doctor to determine if you are a candidate for surgery.

Posté le 09/10/2020 à 05:42 par autoprocesmo
Edité le 09/10/2020 à 05:43 par autoprocesmo
Catégorie pallet mold

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